Monday, 23 April 2007

The First Geology Field Trip?

Geologists on Claverton Down in Bath,
20,000 years ago in the Devensian!

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Cost of 'Stones of Hestercombe' book

The cost of the book is £3.50 plus post and packing (about £1.50).

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

The Stones of Hestercombe

'The Stones of Hestercombe' is the latest publication by Hugh Prudden of the Somerset Geology Group. It describes a geological tour of the rocks and stonework of Hestercombe Gardens, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Taunton. The unique geological features in the gardens, including an outcrop of rare diorite, mean that it is recognised as a RIGS (Regionally Important Geological Site).

The book is beautifully written, exceptionally well illustrated and covers a great deal of history as well as detailed geology.

It is thoroughly recommended and can be obtained from:-
The Hestercombe Gardens Trust
Cheddon Fitzpaine
Taunton TA2 8LG

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Cotswold Hills Geopark

Did you know that in June 2006, the Cotswold Hills Geopark was launched and during 2007 it will be put forward to the European Geoparks Network (EGN) for consideration as a European Geopark and UNESCO Global Geopark?

The Cotswolds is an excellent place to learn about carbonate sediments, fossils, the history of geology, geomorphology and Quaternary landforms. It is the most impressive and notable outcrop of British Middle Jurassic carbonate rocks in the country.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Geology for Children

Rockwatch is an excellent nationwide club for young geologists. It is the junior club of the Geologists' Assocation. New members receive a Rox file with a basic set of geological fact cards, full colour geological map of the British Isles, a 'Thumbs-Up' guide showing how to make the best of a collection and a list of UK museums with geological collections.

Events and field trips are run throughout the year in various parts of the country and members also receive a magazine three times a year.

Join now!

More Geological Organisations

Thanks to the information in your emails, I have added to my list of geological organisations in this area - all listed on the right side of this blog.