Thursday, 24 January 2008

March 20th - Book the date now!

'Living with Earthquakes: know your faults'. This is the title of the lecture to be given by Professor James Jackson of the University of Cambridge on March 20th. It will be a joint lecture by Bath Geological Society and the Geologists' Association held at 7.30p.m. at the BRLSI, 16 Queen Square, Bath.
Tickets at £3.00 are available now from officers of the committee of the Bath Geological Society; entry is free to members of the Bath GS and the GA.
If you want a short preview, then please come to our meeting at BRLSI on February 7th where, after a short AGM, video footage of Professor Jackson's Royal Institution Christmas lecture in 1995, 'On the edge of the world' will be shown.

Thursday, 10 January 2008

News from the Wiltshire Geology Group

The Wiltshire Geology Group's Bradford-on-Avon project is finally coming together: the information board will be put up at the old Docks Clay Pit next week. A new exposure has been excavated, where people can hunt for the famous fossils of the Bradford Clay. This clay, inundated and buried the underwater limestone pavement on which a variety of sea creatures lived, including sea lilies.

There will be an opening event around Easter - We will need a site clean-up morning prior to that, so will need enthusiastic volunteers in early March - you will find dozens of fossils. The Easter event will include a guided walk - a launch event for the (by then) newly-published geology and landscape trail in and around the town, then along the river to Avoncliff.

The other news is that we are producing a Vale of Pewsey trail too. We hope to finish it in time for an event in Pewsey on March the 8th (AONB Geodiversity Forum) - more news of that when we have it!!