Lochaber Geopark Crowdfunding
A valuable source forwarded this to me, unfortunately too late for my weekly posting. But I think it merits an additional posting.
Crowdfunding Campaign Launch
Lochaber Geopark is a Scottish not-for-profit charity, largely run by volunteers, and we need your support to tell the story of Lochaber’s formation. Our mission is to enhance the understanding, appreciation and experiences of visitors to the area, as well as that of local residents, in respect of our geological heritage, classical geological localities and outstanding scenery. We’ve been based in Fort William since 2004 and had government support to help us achieve our steadily expanded activities over they years. Unfortunately, this line of support has now ceased and therefore we are appealing to you to help support us via a Crowdfunding campaign to help us become self-sustaining. To find out more, and to make a pledge, please visit our Crowdfunding page here:
Thank you to Paul Murton for fronting our Crowdfunding campaign.