Friday, 18 April 2008

April 26th Geology of the Ledbury Hills

This field trip is organised by the Bath Geological Society and will be led by Dave Green, an expert on the area. Dave writes "We will explore the geological history of these beautiful unspoilt hills, largely composed of sedimentary rocks of Silurian age, thrown into folds by the mid to late Carboniferous tectonic movements which formed the Hercynian or Variscan mountain belt between the supercontinents of Laurussia and Gondwana. The geology is faithfully reflected in the scenery, composed of alternating layers of resistant and non-resistant rock, many of which are rich in fossils, which in the case of the lithologically non-diverse Ludlovian have been the method for dividing the sequence into rock units. Large-scale diversion of drainage took place during the Pleistocene with the production and overflow of a pro-glacial lake."
Meet at 10.30 a.m at the large car park at British Camp (G.R. SO 764403). There will be a fairly strenuous climb to the top of the Herefordshire Beacon, if the weather is clear, to gain an overall view of the area, followed by visits to various sites where rocks and structures can be examined.
Strong footwear and waterproofs are required. Bring packed lunch, or it can be purchased at the car park.
Please email the field excursion secretary - - to add your name to the list.

The image shown here is a 3D view of the geological maps of the Malvern Hills and Ledbury area. It was sent by a colleague from Wootton Bassett and has been produced using OziExplorer3D software. When used 'live' the terrain can be spun around, zoomed in and out and shadows altered.

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