Monday, 13 April 2009

April 18th - The Avebury Landscape - Monuments and Megaliths

As part of the Bath Geological Society programme, Isobel Geddes from the Wiltshire Geology Group will be leading this field trip on Saturday April 18th - 'The Avebury Landscape - Monuments and Megaliths'. This will be a walk relating local geology to archaeology in the pre-historic landscape of the Kennet valley, visiting the West Kennet long barrow, Silbury Hill, the Sanctuary and the Ridgeway then down the West Kennet Avenue to Avebury. This is a 4-5 mile walk.
Meet at Silbury Hill car park (free), SU 097 685 at 10.30am. We will be at Avebury at lunchtime so there are facilities/pub/cafe for those who prefer not to picnic. Participants can then return to their cars (1 mile) at their leisure after a tour around the stone circle/buildings (and those that have already done that, could go!). Avebury car park is free to NT members and we will arrange for some cars to be there.
Contact the Bath Geological Society's field secretary for further details.

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