Thursday 6 March 2014

Job opportunity - Gloucester Geology Trust

There is an employment  opening at  the Gloucestershire Geology Trust based in Gloucester.
We require a person for 1-2 days a week to help run the office and lead on a few part time areas of work. The role would pay at the equivalent of £24,000/yr but on a self employed basis.  The majority of the work would be on their own but with the support and help of a dozen or so others. It would be based in our office in  Gloucester and involve a fair bit of outdoor work. It has the potential to expand into a  full-time role if the person is successful in fundraising !!!!
We require someone who is both geologically competent as well as a good organiser and self motivated. They would need to be located in or very close to the County and
have some familiarity with the local area.
For further info please contact Mark.

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