Friday 14 June 2019

Parallel Roads of Glen Roy

Parallel Roads of Glen Roy

A source has sent me a video, taken from a drone, of the Glen Roy area. You can download it from HERE. Unfortunately it will not play on the blog.

It would benefit from editing and some commentary, either spoken or in the form of captions, but it does indicate the possibilities of using drones in geologic education. Also filming, while heading into the sun, should be avoided!

But it does give me the opportunity to recommend a book which I recently bought:- Land of Mountain and Flood, The Geology and Landforms of Scotland by Alan McKirdy, John Gordon and Roger Crofts. ISBN: 978 1 78027 497 3. Published by Birlinn Limited.

Their explanation of the Parallel Roads is given below. You can download the PDF for this page HERE. (The watermark is there because I am evaluating an alternative to Adobe Acrobat - which now costs too much).

The book looks like it should be on a coffee table - big, lots of pictures, glossy - but it is written by people who know their stuff and it shows. Many of the people they acknowledge as having inspired them, taught me when I was at Aberdeen University, so it must be good!

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