Monday 22 June 2020

Quick Clay - a Reason to Avoid Norwegian Farm Holidays!

Quick Clay - a Reason to Avoid Norwegian Farm Holidays!

The Landslide Blog has come up with two fantastic videos from Norway. THE FIRST is of a recent landslide at Alta in northern Norway. Nothing much happens until 2 minutes 20 seconds in and then be amazed. 

Apparently there are copyright issues with the video above. But you can see the same video HERE

The SECOND VIDEO is much older - and it shows - but it gives the scientific explanation of Quick Clay Landslides. About two minutes in they give a vivid illustration of solid clay becoming liquid.

An intact block of quick clay being loaded to beyond its strength.

Failure of the block of quick clay being loaded to beyond its strength.

Remoulded behaviour of the block of quick clay being loaded to beyond its strength. No water was added! But it acts as a liquid.

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