Geotourism: An Opportunity for Sustainable DevelopmentMonday 7th March 2011The Royal Agricultural College, CirencesterGeotourism can be defined as 'the provision of interpretive and service facilities to enable tourists to acquire knowledge and understanding of the geology and geomorphology of a site (including its contribution to the development of the Earth sciences) beyond the level of mere aesthetic appreciation' (Hose, 1995).
A broader concept than ecotourism, geotourism promotes a positive cycle in which tourism revenues provide an incentive to protect all attributes of a place. Geotourism incorporates sustainability principles and has the potential to play a vital role in sustainable development. This idea will be explored further during an exciting one day conference at the Royal Agricultural College.
Speakers and topics include:
Dr John Conway (GeoMon) - Geotourism Developments in GeoMon - Anglesey Geopark
Mr Julian Atkins (Forest Fawr Geopark) - Using Geopark designation as a catalyst for SD: Fforest Fawr Geopark, a case study
Nicola Greaves (Cotswolds Conservation Board) - Valuing the landscape/ developing sustainable tourism in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Mr Dave Owen (Gloucestershire Geology Trust) - Geodiversity in Gloucestershire: how geology influences landscape and heritage
Professor Malcolm Hart (University of Plymouth) - The South Western Regional Geodiversity Partnership
Dr Thomas Hose (Researcher and Consultant) - 3Gs for Sustainable Geotourism Using Geopark designation as a catalyst for SD: Fforest Fawr Geopark, a case study
Professor Ezzoura Errami (African Geoparks Network) - The African Geoparks Network, challenges and perspectives
Mr Mabvuto Percy Ngwira (Zambian Ministry of Tourism) - Geotourism Potential of the Victoria Falls - Zambia
Mr Jarrod Kyte (Steppes Discovery) - Sustainable Travel: Conservation in Action.