Wednesday 21st April, 6.00 for 6.30pm
Dr Kevin Privett, Hydrock Group Ltd
The conceptual ground model is a vital tool in engineering geology. If used correctly, it illustrates the main issues and forms the basis for good technical designs. It can save you money - if you get things right the first time. It can help satisfy regulators that an appropriate approach will be taken.
A model is a living document that evolves with a project; a synthesis of all available data into an understanding of site conditions; how it works - not just what it looks like.
This presentation is a case history in the determination of the mode of failure in landslipped terrain for the design of a large infrastructure project. A strategic infrastructure development is planned on an active coastal landslide complex in southern England, the design of which must
take into account ground movements over the next 100 years. The presentation will highlight the activities undertaken to develop a conceptual ground model of the landsliding so as to predict the nature of future movements: extensive desk study, boreholes up to 100m deep, the integration of geomorphological mapping, hydrogeological modelling, surface & downhole geophysics, bathymetric and Lidar survey, high resolution stratigraphy and geological assessment, deep 3D geological modelling and FLAC slope stability modelling.
Venue: S H Reynolds Lecture Theatre (Room G25), Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queen's Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ
Refreshments will be available from 6 pm in the common room opposite G25.
Notes: For any enquiries regarding this event please contact the
Western Regional Group
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