Click on MAPS
Enter your postcode in SEARCH MAPS (bottom right hand corner)
The bar at the top enables you to vary the transparency from the satellite photo to the geological map or anything in between. The key is also on the top bar.
Its great to be able to look up the rock outcrop online. However, what should be an excellent resource is ruined by the BGS new mapping colours and naming scheme. Paper Geology maps were not only be a workable scientific resource they were a beautiful artform. Although now greatly improved the online mapping looks like a primary school art project;. And is about as useful. I hate the new names and the colour scheme with a passion and the way the key works is annoying and unworkable. Does my disappointment show? RfjA GBGeologist@gmail.com
The Android smartphone app has just been released that will show you the same information when you're on the move. Just look for iGeology in the Android Market. (An iphone version is also available.) Fantastic resource. Thank you BGS.
Frank T
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