Thursday 5 April 2012

17th April - Practical Approach to Rockfall Management

The Geological Society Western Regional Group would like to invite you to an evening lecture on Tuesday 17th April. 'A Practical Approach to Rockfall Management', presented by Simon Collins of Aggregate Industries.
Rockfall is the only category of slope instability where current regulations do not require the quarry operator to seek advice from a geotechnical specialist even when a 'significant hazard' may be present. It therefore often falls to site management to deal with the hazard posed by rockfall. There is currently no analytical system for the appraisal of rockfall in quarries that is easily accessible to the non geotechnical specialists who conduct the vast majority of face inspections.  If the industry has no way of quantifying or measuring the hazard posed by rockfall, how are we to manage that hazard?
Simon discusses the Rockfall Hazard Appraisal System (RHAS), a simple, rapid, visual method of quantifying the hazard from rockfall and testing how various mitigation measures could reduce the hazard.  The system can also clearly identify when a geotechnical specialist must be consulted.
Refreshments will be available from 6.00 p.m. followed by the evening lecture which will commence at 6.30 p.m. (for approximately 1 hour).  The event is open to non-fellows, so please feel free to invite your colleagues or friends.   The venue is S H Reynolds Lecture Theatre (Room G25), Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queen's Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ.

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